Travellers can now get a 10-day China transit permit if they travel via the People’s Republic between two other countries.

Since China welcomed Western tourists in the 1980s, acquiring a visa has often been complicated and costly. Applicants typically have to pay more than £150 and visit a visa centre in the UK for photography and fingerprinting. However, this year, travellers heading to China can bypass much of the usual bureaucracy. One way to do this is to take advantage of “in transit” provisions, allowing passengers travelling from the UK to China and onward to a third country to spend up to 10 days in China.

a building with many balconies and stairs China visa
You can now enter China without a visa for less than 10 days.

China was shut down for several years due to the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to a significant decline in tourism. Now that it has reopened, the country is offering incentives to travellers to streamline the usual bureaucratic processes. Before the pandemic, the “transit without visa” option gained popularity among those looking to experience the essence of the nation.

Previously, visitors were restricted to a maximum stay of six days and could not travel widely throughout China. The duration of stay has been extended, allowing tourists to explore various regions, including Beijing, Shanghai, and Xian.

a city skyline with lights on the water china visa
China is now visa free for 10 days.

The main requirement is that travellers must arrive directly from a location outside of China (which includes Hong Kong for this context), remain in the country for no more than 10 days, and then depart directly to a third country.

Travel within a country is permitted if it begins from a major international destination. According to the updated guidelines, a traveller could fly from the UK to Beijing and then overland to Shanghai before heading to Japan. They might explore central and western China for the return trip, visiting places like Xian and Chengdu. It’s advisable to consult with a specialist travel agency to ensure all requirements are fulfilled.

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