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Believe me when I say I’ve never been more perplexed than when I started filling out the application to visit India. A maze of questions and requirements left me scratching my head.
In This Post
A bit of background.
I’m booking my next big trip to India, where I plan to visit many great hotels in different cities, such as Mumbai, Goa, Delhi, Amritsar, and Jaipur.
Being from the UK, I must apply for a visa to visit. This may seem like an easy task, but let me tell you, first, just trying to find the correct link to apply for this visa took some time, so I’ll just go ahead and add the link here so if you ever need it, you’ll know where to find it easily.
Secondly, the amount of absurd and ludicrous requirements they ask you just seems a bit pointless; for instance, they wanted to know where my parents were born and visible identification marks, and don’t get me started on the number of requirements needed to upload a photo of myself I felt like I needed a degree in photography.

What is interesting to me is that a friend of mine who is actually from Mumbai but lives in London told me that this visa is difficult on purpose for the English just to get back at them a bit. Now, obviously, I don’t know how much truth that is, but I could see his point, and let me tell you, he wasn’t wrong.
The application can take up to 72 hours for approval. However, I got mine roughly 24 hours later.

The visa cost was only £8.65. What’s interesting is that a business visa costs $100.
Bottom line:
If you need a visa when travelling to India, ensure you have everything you need and take the time to complete all the details correctly. Otherwise, your application will not be granted.
The UK Visa form to be filled by Indians (and many others) is ridiculously long and expensive, not to mention the visa process is painful. Reading this post makes me happy 😅
haha yes i know and this is our way of payback…