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Recently, I’ve noticed a new “airline trend” whereby airlines slip into their boarding announcement not to take photos in the aircraft when other people are on board to protect their privacy. This makes for an article that gives my feedback on the matter. As a blogger, I’ve spent plenty of time trying vlogging, taking videos, taking pictures on an airplane, and getting told off for something I enjoy doing.

Reviewing, vlogging, photos videos in general:

Let’s say you go to a restaurant to review their food, and you take some pictures and or videos of the food, obviously and not from people, and a staff member will come up to you and ask you not to take any pictures of people, I think most people would say that they are not taking photos of the people but rather from the food so that they can later post it up on the internet where people can see what they have to offer. That is literally the definition of receiving and blogging, etc.

a row of chairs with monitors on the side booking tickets process vlogging pictures videos
Taking a pictures on airplane.

There are many instances where things get out of hand. For example, a video of a woman filming herself on a plane was recently circulated on social media. She got told off by her seatmate, who claimed that you can hear her voice in her video and that she’s too famous for her voice to be heard in her video. That’s just downright bizarre.

a row of seats on an airplane Norse Atlantic
Do you think filming on a plane is wrong?

In another instance, what happened with OMAAT was that he got into “trouble” for blogging when, in all fairness, he was just giving his genuine opinion. Although that might be slightly different from the issue at hand, I still feel that a lot of airlines take the matter a bit too seriously because, at the end of the day, if you are vlogging, taking photos, videos on an airplane when travelling, no one is actually filming the people but rather the airport or the airplane, lounge, or whatever else that may be.

My take:

At least, this is my opinion on this matter. I’d love to hear your feedback, what instances you’ve had, what kind of experience you had when travelling, and if you’ve ever been told off for vlogging, taking photos and or videos on an airplane when you felt there was nothing wrong. Of course, we’re talking about people who just want to film everyday travelling things. Some people just love taking things a bit too far, and maybe that has ruined it for everyone.
What is your opinion on this matter? I’d love to hear it!

1 comment
  1. Vlogging on an airplane can be a fun and engaging way to share the travel experience, especially for those who enjoy showcasing their journeys. It’s a great way to give viewers a glimpse of inflight experiences, including seat comfort, meals, entertainment, and any unique aspects of the airline or aircraft.

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