Traveling around but want to stay connected? Try Saily!
Google Flights is a booking service by Google that helps you book your next flight and, frankly, makes your life a little easier. You can find the link here:
In this article, I’ll discuss the three major pros of why GF (yes, that’s short for Google Flights) is my first stop when I look for tickets, primarily because of its efficient ability to find the best flight deals.
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Dates & Prices:
When looking to go away somewhere and you put in those dates, it will tell you on which dates the cheapest flights can be bought.
Multiple cities at once:
With GF, you can search up to 7 countries at once or cities or states, depending on where you live; you’re not restricted to looking at one airport at a time.
Once you’ve found your perfect date and airport to start your journey, let’s say the prices are a bit high, and you want to wait for them to come down a bit. All you have to do is hit the alert button, and when the price changes (which means even if it goes up in price even more), you’ll get an email right away about this change. This will help you snag that perfect business class ticket and hopefully save you some money at the end of it.
Google Flights is a fantastic tool for finding your next holiday and saving money; with alerts set, you can carry on with your day, and when the time is right, you will be ready to pull the trigger for that excellent lie-flat seat.
To find out which credit card you should use when booking flights, visit our beginner’s guide page and learn all about earning and burning points.